Friday, August 9, 2013

Love Does

Yesterday and today I am attending the Global Leadership Summit hosted by Willow Creek (a big church up in Chicago) via a satellite church down here is Missouri that is showing it as a webcast.

I've gone to this for the last 3 years or so. I remember my first year I wasn't all that impressed. It was all right, but I was bored most of the time.

Last year was better. I didn't love every speaker, but there were some who blew me away. (Paranthia Timothy, she is amazing!)

So far this year, I have really enjoyed every single speaker. It's so hard to look through my notes and pick just one or two things that stood out to me because they all have! At least from yesterday... I haven't heard today's speakers. Therefore, I'm sure you'll see several posts the next few days inspired by these people.

One of the speakers was Bob Goff. I've been reading his book Love Does recently and it's so good! It's such a simple idea, but if we really lived it out, it would be amazing how we would change and how the world would change.

Bob is so energetic! He has this attitude of just saying "yes" to love, life, the world, people, and God. He quits something every Thursday to make room for more of the "yes's" in life.

This is seriously how he was the entire time he spoke.
On his bathroom mirror is a phrase that says: Love God, Love People, and Do Stuff.

How simple is that?

The title of his book says it all. Love Does. Love doesn't just sit around and act all sweet and cute. Love DOES SOMETHING.

The speaker after him (Mark Burnett who produced Survivor, The Voice, and The Bible) said something along the same lines. ""When God calls you, you have to get your ass off the couch and do something."

The reaction to that phrase being said in a church was hilarious by the way.

So... that's just a quick thing I've been thinking about since yesterday that I wanted to share. (Especially since I need to get my own ass off the couch so I can get my Starbucks before day 2 of the Summit starts...)

Don't just sit around today, or in life. Get up and do something!


  1. I couldn't agree more!! Life is happening all around us and we can't just wait for it to happen. I'm so glad you're hearing these great speakers. Wish I could be there with u!

  2. Sounds like some great talks! I definitely agree with that sentiment, it seems to be popping up all over my life lately. Maybe my "word" for 2014 will be "action" :)

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  4. Mark Burnett was at a conference I went to back in April and said something very similar. I admit, I chuckled. :)


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