Thursday, August 29, 2013

It's Time to Wake Up!

Press play if you wish to have some mood music as you read:

5:45am:  Wake up to the music of my iPod. Try to forget the crazy dream I had about a wedding, an awful stomach tattoo, and Rob Bell Skyping from an airplane. 

5:46am:  Grab iPad to check out the "news" of the morning. AKA look at Twitter, Facebook, and get rid of all email notifications that have popped up through the night.

5:50am:  Rub a dub dub!

6:05am:  Check out the weather for the day to plan what I'll wear. It's gonna be a hot one.

6:15am:  Once dressed, take Bandit out for a quick walk around the apartment building.

6:30am:  Stand in front of the bathroom mirror and try to decide if I have the motivation to actually blow-dry my hair. 

6:31am:  Decide I don't, and spritz on de-tangler and sea salt spray so it doesn't look like a total disaster. Then move onto brushing teeth and makeup.

6:40am:  Refill Bandit's water and food bowls.

6:45am:  Pack up my purse and head out to the car. 

6:47am:  Jump in the car (literally... cause I'm short) and listen to The Time Traveler's Wife as I head to my morning meeting.

7:00am:  Feel better at morning meeting when the waiter immediately brings a cup of coffee.

7:30am:  Breath a sigh of relief that morning meeting went well, then get back in the car.

7:45am:  After dropping off my Netflix DVD in the mailbox, go to the office.

8:00am:  Get another cup of coffee, and fight with the stapling machine until the secretary comes to rescue me.

8:30am:  Sit down at desk and catch up on emails and blogs. 

And thus... the first few hours of my Wednesday morning. 

How do you start your days?


  1. i'm up at 5am to workout, out of the house by 630am on my way to work, lunch at 1130am, resume work at 1pm, out of the office on my way home by 3pm.

    Vodka and Soda

  2. I am so glad I'm not the only person who is up before 6am! I'm up at 5:30 (and not because of my baby) and people think I'm crazy!

  3. I'm up at 5am (I'm trying to take up morning's still a work in progress, lol). Then I get ready with Stella...she makes sure I'm alert in the morning, haha. Then I go to work. After that I cram in as much errands as possible. Man...I'm ready for the weekend!!!!

    1. Me too!!!!! I'm so glad it's Friday and Monday is Labor Day!


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