Thursday, May 5, 2011

Flood 2011

A few weeks ago - my Facebook & Twitter friends got to read this update:

I thought it was funny - apparently my friends and family disagreed. Soon after I received several messages from them expressing their fear for my life.

I also thought this would be a one time event - Mother Nature disagreed. While I did not stand in Port Cape with about 100 other people in the kitchen again, I did experience several more tornadoes and storms for about two weeks straight.

This is the bar/restaurant where I've been having practice.
Most of you have probably heard about all of the tornadoes and storms that have been going on in Missouri and Alabama. It's been pretty insane. (Although now we've had a few days of SUNSHINE! I never thought I would see it again!) Thankfully - I personally have not had to feel the effects of it too drastically other than a couple streets getting flooded a bit. But since so many of my wonderful and caring family and friends have been asking how we are doing, I thought I would take some pictures of the flood wall, which is only a few feet away from where I've been having play practice.

I heard on the radio this morning, in my area the Mississippi River is at about 46/47 feet, but it should be going down to about 42 feet soon. YAY!

Sandbags by the flood wall. They help, but water is still coming in a bit.

More sandbags

You can see the water a bit better in this picture.

I hear the water running down the gutter almost everyday when I park my car here.

Here are more pics of the area- and not just flooding. 

You can see our HUGE bridge!

So... we're doing all right. Or, at least I am. 

If you want more information about the flood check out the Southeast Missourian Website: 

Thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers! Now send them to the people who have REALLY been hit and need the help - because I know they need it. And let's just pray the river does go down and our flood wall keeps doing it's job!

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