Friday, April 17, 2015

What I Loved This Week Vol. 6

It's Friday!!!!! I feel like I get more excited for Friday every single week. I just love Fridays.

Anyways, here's what I have read/watched this week which I think you all might enjoy for some wasting time on the Internet over the weekend.

In the Blogosphere:

- In honor of equal pay day, Taylor from The Daily Tay, wrote a post about the things women can do better than men. It made me laugh out loud and want to yell "AMEN!"

- Pastor Mark wrote this great post on grace and how life is messy.

- Colin Wright turned 30 this week, and I just hope by the time July of next year rolls around I'm in the same place as he is because right now I'm already wanting to cry because I'll be turning 29. \

- Gina compared writing to baking cookies and it was perfect. And I want cookies now.

On the YouTubes:

- Sweeny made a fantastic video about failure on Saturday and it was ridiculously awesome.

- Taylor from It's Radish Time, made a lovely little video about winter and spring and it's metaphors for life.

- If you watch Kristina Horner and/or her web series "Job Hunters" you'll LOVE this official "Dancing on Rianbows" music video!

- There's a brand new collab channel all dedicated to Disney and it's the best thing ever. They only have one video so far... but I'm stoked.

What have you been reading/watching lately? Should I include any other forms of social media (Instagram, Pinterest, etc.) in my weekly shoutouts?

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