Monday, February 27, 2012

I Feel Pretty

For a while I was seeing a trend on Pinterest. Whenever I would check out my friends pins for the day I saw the same themes repeated over and over again.

"Here are all of the exercises I need to do every single say so I can get my ideal weight."

"Look at this girl- isn't her body perfect?"

"I can't wait until I can fit into this outfit."

"I wish I could look like her."

Being healthy is good. Taking care of your body is good. Being in shape is good. However, I felt like things had gotten beyond the idea of "being healthy." (Whatever that is - considering each of us have our own bodies and "healthy" is going to look different for everyone.) The message I was seeing beyond wanting to be "in shape" was..

I am not good enough.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cause You Know, I Don't Talk About Books Enough

If you're looking for a post on Ash Wednesday... I don't have one. Check out my post from last year.

I wasn't going to do anymore of the 11 Questions Meme thing.

Then Angie tagged me in one...


How could I say no?

Also - I'm out of ideas for posts. So if you have any suggestions (or want to guest post for this month's theme!) let me know.

Once again- I'm not going to do the 11 facts about me, and I'm not going to tag anyone. I'm just going to answer the questions Angie gave- but please let me know how you would have answered the questions in the comments!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sponsor Spotlight- Meghan!

So.... I'm a complete slacker and haven't introduced you to my blog swap partner for February! She's so sweet  and I hope that you all stop by her blog and say hi sometime this month! We also will be guest blogging on each other's sites at some point in February... so keep an eye out for that! ;)

Hey everybody!

I'm Meghan, a country girl who loves the little things in life such as a white peppermint mocha, spending time with her grandparents, and a good book! I'm 19 and going to a technical college to become a court reporter.  I love Jesus, my family and friends, causing trouble haha, and just being me.  I love meeting new people so be sure to come check my blog out!

Twitter: @TheyCallHerMeg

Like this blog sponsor swap idea? Email me at lovewokemeupthismorning [at] gmail [dot] com and we can make it happen!

Also - don't forget that even though Valentine's Day has come and gone, you can still write a post about this month's theme: My View Of Love.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Singing Valentines

I debated back and forth about whether or not I was going to do a "Valentines Day" post, especially since my feelings about this holiday flip flop about every two seconds. Then I decided - I'm going to do a post for EVERYONE no matter what their opinion is on Valentines Day.

You know those crazy singing telegrams and Valentines that make people want to vomit?

Well... here is my playlist for today of Singing Valentines. Feel free to listen to all of them, or you can pick and choose which ones you feel fit you best, or that you would enjoy.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Nana Is Always Right

Extra clothes. Pajamas. Socks. Bible. Hunger Games. Journal. iHome. Cell Phone Charger. Camera.

One by one the times were thrown into my hot pink Victoria's Secret tote bag. A few weeks prior I had gotten an invite from a girl I had met a few months ago for a girls overnight. Basically, a sleepover for grown ups.

I compulsively looked at the invitation to be sure I had everything I needed and also checking the Facebook event to try and find out if I knew anyone going. Nope. The hostess still had it set up so you couldn't see the names of people invited and I still didn't recognize anyone who had written on the wall. Drat.

Friday, February 10, 2012

My View of Love - Guest Blogger

Emmy's Note: Today's guest blogger is one of my theatre professors from college. I first met Julie my senior year of high school when I was touring the university and I sat in on one of her classes. We clicked right away and I remember how awesome I felt when I came back as a student and she REMEMBERED ME! We're still close and I love stopping by her office and plopping down in her comfy furniture to chat, laugh, and get some great advice. You can find Julie's blog at Brain Food. Also- don't forget that you can contribute to this month's topic of "How I View Love" as well! Email your submissions to lovewokemeupthismorning [at] gmail [dot] com.

Love is a funny thing. It means something different to each person on the planet so how do I quantify it!? I cannot. But, I can reflect and point out somethings I recently learned and hopefully help you see something you may be missing.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Girl Behind the Blog

I found a vlog link up today called...


It looked like a cute idea, and after the 20sb vlog swap last week, I learned that I need to beef up my video making skills. And practice makes perfect right? Right.

Also, I was tagged in another 11 questions meme by Jessica from the blog Living a Life of Truth. This time though, I am including my answers in the vlog just to mix it up a bit. Hopefully the video won't be too long.

I also realize that I haven't written a "real" blog post in a long time. My inspiration has been dying out on me lately. Don't worry though, I'll have posts coming up soon! In the meantime, enjoy the vlog!

And... don't you just love the little "freeze frame" YouTube picks for you? Ugh.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Get To Know Your Fellow Blogger Vlog Swap Day!!!!

So... do you remember back in the days of high school when everyone still used email, MySpace, and Live Journal and we had those crazy long survey things we used to fill out thinking that they were outrageously cool and sooooo informative about our lives?

Well, on 20sb (aka the best blog networking site for people in their 20s EVER!) the lovely Jas from Smile Big and Pretty suggested the idea of making video blog (vlogs) and swapping them and using one of those surveys to get to know each other a bit.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How I See Love

Earlier this week, Nate St. Pierre wrote a blog post about writing a love story in 33 words.

I felt like it was the perfect way to kick-off February's theme: How I See Love.

I hear the tone through the speakers. A friendly voice and a smiling face pop up on the screen. We laugh, talk, and share. It cannot replace being together, but it will do. 

How do you see love everyday?

Share your stories. (And they can be longer than 33 words.) 

Send your contributions to lovewokemeupthismorning [at] gmail [dot] com.