If you were hanging out on Twitter this past Friday, you probably noticed that I wasn't in the greatest of moods. Which led to me tweeting:
Thankfully, some friends did cheer me up. One friend even asked if pictures of animals that weren't cute would help
Surprisingly, these did in fact make me feel better.
If you are friends with me on Facebook, you probably figured out what was putting me in such a sad mood on Friday night.
My mom had texted me as I was driving to Port Cape (doing lights and sound for their most recent play, A Christmas Cactus. You can still come see it this weekend Thursday-Saturday!) that our family dog Josie had a stroke Thursday night and Friday they had to put her down.
With having to do the play, I did what anyone would do. Be an actress and pretend everything is okay. It didn't hit me until later that night after I was able to talk to my mom and hear the whole story.
I felt so silly for being sad. Josie was old. I mean... REALLY old. We'd had her since I was nine years old. (I'm 26 now for those of you keeping count.) I hadn't even lived with her in the same house for years, and I have Bandit at my apartment. And she's a dog, it's not like my sister or something.
But it still broke my heart. Especially after Mom told me how Dad cried when they put her in the car to take her to the vet one last time.
It also made me want to watch All Dogs Go To Heaven.
When I go up to Chicago for Thanksgiving (in 9 days!!!!!!) she won't be there. Yeah, lately when I've visited my parents she didn't always see me and she would freak out whenever someone petted her because she had no idea what was going on, but she was the sweetest dog. Josie was the perfect dog for my family.
As a kid, since I was
small and breakable, we didn't want a big/hyper/crazy dog that would jump on me and cause me to break my bones more than necessary. Josie was small (not as small as Bandit, but I don't think she grew to be over 10lbs) and calm as could be. Yes, she had her crazy dog and puppy moments as all dogs do, but generally she was very peaceful. The most wonderful little white fluffball.
What made me smile though, was how supportive people were. The French exchange student who lived with us for a year in high school told us how sorry she was that Josie was gone, and even she was sad about it. A couple of childhood friends shared with me how sad they were to see Josie go because they knew her too. I texted another friend right away, the girl I've known my entire life, and she immediately texted my mom to see how she was doing. Although she understood, she lost her childhood dog not that long ago as well. Even the youth who met my dog during our mission trip this summer were shocked when I told them at youth group last night.
I feel a little silly - because Josie was a dog. But I don't feel as silly anymore. People who don't have pets may not get it, and that's okay. Fellow animal lovers though - they totally understand and have been so supportive! I mean, there's a reason we all cry during Marley and Me, and every other sad animal movie. Our pets are so special!
I'm sorry for the depressing post, but I do want to end on a happy note.
I kind of took a break from having people contribute to my blog - but that stops today! I'm combining two of my themes. Share with me your pet and family stories! Since pets are part of our families, and with Thanksgiving just around the corner, I feel like it's a good time to hear about your pets and your families.
Share funny stories, pictures, traditions, your first pet, your current pet, - ANYTHING AND ANYONE about your family! The good, the bad, sad, ugly, hilarious - you name it I want to know.
Can't wait to hear your stories!
We miss you Josie! 1995-2012 |