Wednesday, August 17, 2011


It's 20SB Blog Swap Time!

Well, it's the first day of school here. As I was getting ready for work this morning, I saw the school buses full of children driving down the street and I could almost hear their groans about not wanting to go back to school. I used to be one of those kids. The word "summer" used to conjure the feeling of the wind in my hair as I rode my bike all over our small town and the taste of banana milk shakes. Now "summer" has a different connotation: it's the time for adventures before the time where you can share them with other people. 

This new definition (not that it is really coherent) came from some of my experiences in college. I went from summers of fun to summers of trying to predict my future through internships.  In the summer of 2008, I found myself left in my college town with an internship at a hotel. I had no idea what I was doing and I was basically on my own. Until I discovered that some mutual acquaintances from school were also in town for the summer, working some mindless summer jobs. We got together for one of our birthdays early in the summer and that started it all. As our mother put it, we became "the Foursome," a close-knit bunch who loved to do everything together. 

The Foursome on One of Our First Adventures

We all brought something different to the table in terms of our sense of humor, style, and interests, but when we came together our adventures were always epic, which was only added to by the fact that I, the youngest in the group, turned 21 that summer. It was great. We had our inside jokes, ridiculous summer playlists that distinguished us from anyone else, and crazy nicknames that nobody understood but us. 

That August, the fall of our senior year, I went back to school for the first time wanting to be there. To share the summer's adventures with my other friends. We all seemed to be that way. While it was difficult for people outside of the foursome to comprehend the fact that we had all become such great friends, it was evident that things were changed forever and we would have to integrate our friend groups. So, at a time when most college students are upset about leaving behind college, we were developing a circle of lifelong friends. Even after graduation, the foursome stayed behind in our college town for one last summer of internships and hilarity, even though we knew that in August two of us would leave for graduate school and the others would start "real" jobs. 

It's been three years since the foursome was together for a summer of fun, but our friendship is still there in the weekly phone calls and the cross-country trips to see each other. I can always get back to that summer with our Summer 2008 playlist and some "Bennie and the Jets".

- Molly

If you like my writing, or if you want to read Emmy's 20sb Blog Swap Post, check out my blog!

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