Thursday, December 27, 2012

ALL OF THE BOOKS - AKA I Say the Word "Excited" A Lot.

Here are the questions so YOU can answer them! If you don't read a lot of books, adjust them so you can talk about TV shows, movies, games, YouTube, blogs, WHATEVER. You also can ask me other questions about books. I tried to keep the video as short as possible so I had to cut out a lot of commentary.

1) How many books did you read this year?
2) Which book surprised you the most?
3) Which book were you the most disappointed in?
4) Did you start any new book series?
5) Did you wrap up any series?
6) Which book had your favorite cover?
7) What books are you looking forward to in 2013?
8) Do you have any goals for 2013?
9) Any other books that deserve a shout out?
10) What are you currently reading?
11) What are your top 3 books for 2012?

Also, I received a $25 Barnes and Noble gift card for Christmas - and I don't know how to spend it! Check out my to-read list on Good Reads and let me know how you think I should spend it. Or give me your own book recommendations!


  1. I just remembered you asked people to link up here, so even though you already read it, here is my post!


Share with me your thoughts! They make me smile.