Tuesday, June 7, 2011

And So It Begins

Summer has officially started here in Cape. Well... maybe not officially since summer doesn't technically start until June 21st. HOWEVER - it has already hit 100, school is out, my summer wedding schedule is mapped out, we have done camp counselor training with the high school youth, and Vacation Bible School is only two weeks away.

It's summer.

The season where the heat makes you want to pass out everyday, the teenagers want more to do because they are bored, I live a life that could be described as a cross between Wedding Crashers and 27 Dresses (just without being a slut and the ugly bridesmaid dresses), and I am out of the office every other week for youth trips.

It's a good time.

However, this may mean I don't have as much time to blog. Which is sad.

ALTHOUGH - I remembered that I can still do the Harry Potter 30 Day Challenge!!!!!!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 comes out in theaters Friday, July 15th. Exactly 38 days from today. HOORAY!!!!!! In preparation for this event, I have begun to re-read all seven of the Harry Potter books, and as I finish each book I will watch the corresponding movie. Then, next week I will begin the 30 Day Harry Potter Challenge. This is actually perfect timing since that will be the start of my summer trips. I'll be able to schedule my posts so they will go up each day even when I am out of town and unable to write new posts. I have a fan alert going on Fandango so I know the moment tickets are on sale for the midnight showing of the movie.

It's going to be epic and I'll probably cry.

Yet, I do know that not all of you are as avid of Harry Potter fans as I am. So, I will do my best to be sure that my Harry Potter posts don't drag on for forever, boring you to death, and scatter in some of my usual blog posts as well.

For that, I need your help!

First - I've noticed that at times I haven't had any fresh ideas for posts. So if you have anything that you would like for me to write about, or any favorite topics, comment below, email me, or find me on Twitter.

Second- I would LOVE to have some different views and ideas! I think this summer it would be amazing to have some guest bloggers. You don't even have to be a blogger to guest post for me. Simply contact me through comments, email, or Twitter.

This is going to be an awesome summer, and I'm really excited for what I'll be doing as well as the posts that will be popping up on the blog the next few months.

Hope you all are having a great summer so far - and I can't wait to hear from you!


  1. Emmy,

    I just found your blog through 20SB and I love it! I, too, have an "other" blog and am an "other" Christian girl :)

    I would be interested in guest blogging for you, though I may have to read back through more of your posts to get a good idea of what to write about. If you'd like, you can check out my blog and see if there's anything I write about that strikes your fancy: http://keepbabbling.blogspot.com

    I look forward to reading more from you!

    P.S. Good luck with the Harry Potter challenge. I have had to admit to myself that it would stress me out too much to try to re-read all the Harry Potter books before the last movie comes out, much as I would like to. My husband always says he's going to re-read the book before seeing the movie, but I think it's unlikely :)

  2. Good luck with the Harry Potter challenge. I will be doing that too!

  3. thanks for the encouraging response to "The EX" post. Definitely blessed to only have to deal with one "EX" popping up. haha. I think the Lord knew I wouldn't be capable of dealing with something like this 2x...

    I hope you can still make time to blog. I know life gets overwhelmingly busy. But blogging is such a great fortress in the midst of chaos and the busyness of life. I love having this outlet to let my thoughts out and it saddens me when other bloggers have to cut back in order to live. ha ha.

    I would love to do a guest post for you sometimes if your looking for someone over summer btw!

    I don't really consider myself a fanatic of HARRY POTTER. I loved the books when I was younger and I read them through in record timing (in my world of course) and beat my older brother definitely a few of those times. But I sort of got over the whole thing after waiting what seems a decade to see all of the books come to life. I am a big fan of the TWILIGHT movies now though. :)




  4. I'm excited to read these coming posts!

  5. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRY POTTER... (imagine that said in Voldy's hissy voice and it'll make far more sense!)

    I can't believe there's only 37 (here, anyway) days left until it comes out! Thankfully, I've got Friday off work and Monday is a public holiday, so that should get me through the first three books at least.

    More exciting for me is that I move home on July 15th, so I only have to get through 37 more days in Canberra!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

  6. @Jessica that would be awesome if you want to guest blog! I'll check out your site and if I have any ideas I'll let you know. But honestly, write whatever your heart desires!!!!! :D

    @SavedThroughLove any time! Guy issues are rough. We feel dumb because they get to us, but it's hard. (Well... at least I feel dumb, but that's another story.) But anyways, I understand. :) And I would LOVE to have a guest blog post from you! I think my readers would really like what you have to say. (Also... I do have a guilty pleasure with Twilight. Got a bit excited when I saw the trailer for Breaking Dawn)

    @Kathy S Thanks! Good luck to you too!

    @JustMe So glad you're excited! I'm getting excited too. I've already had a few people offer to guest post, so I think it'll be a cool summer for the blog.

    @Melbourne when I read that I actually thought of AVPS when they were on the train and everyone found out Harry Potter was there. "He's Harry FREAKING POTTER!" This summer is going to be EPIC.

  7. You just inspired me to sign up for the fan alert for when the midnight tickets go on sale. I'm SO excited. Probably more excited than someone my age should be...

  8. @Kelly um... you are allowed at ANY age to be super excited about the new Harry Potter movie.


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